Meet Our Patients
We take great pride in the services we provide to our patients and healthcare providers but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what we say or talk about doing; It’s what we do that truly counts and makes a difference in the lives of our patients and their families. It’s for this reason that we want to share candid and heartfelt stories, directly conveyed by our patients and their families, about what we do each and every day with the thousands of patients we service, past and current. We do this in the hope that it will provide you with confidence and reassurance that our passion for patient care is what drives each and every one on our team to provide the most outstanding standard of care available.

I am a mother to an adorable 23 month old son, who is medically complex/fragile. We have been receiving medical supplies for my son, through Option 1, for a significant amount of his life. Without these supplies, we would not be able to provide or son with items he needs to survive daily.
Option 1 has been the best company for us to receive our medical supplies. They have been extremely helpful to us in making sure our son has exactly what he needs. I really appreciate the option to speak to Option 1’s nurse. This has been a wonderful addition, to an already great company. I can recall times being on the phone with the nurse as well as standing in the Pharmacy, trying to figure out what specifically my son would need. She was able to order items that I couldn’t buy at the Pharmacy.
I communicate daily with families of other medically complex/fragile children—both as a parent and as the Arizona State Representative for the CHERUBS organization ( I hear the many horror stories of other families and the long waiting times to receive medical supplies, denials and not receiving the appropriate items sufficient for their child. When we needed medical supplies for my son, Option 1 even kind to deliver items directly to a hospital room before discharge, overnight supplies as well as drive out the following day with an items that would work more appropriately.
Several months ago I was told my son was being referred to see if CRS might be appropriate for him. I was on pins and needles as I did NOT want to be apart of it for many reasons, but one large reason was that it would mean we’d have to change our medical supplier. I was so relieved to hear that they felt he did not qualify. I have heard nothing but nightmares from other families about being forced to use other healthcare supply companies and no longer being able to use specific items their children need—simply because the other healthcare company used cheaper items. Cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean better. Option 1 truly does listen to their clients and the physicians and will provide their clients with the necessary items they need.
I do not hesitate in sharing our wonderful experiences with using Option 1 with other families. Option 1 continues to be our top choice in medical suppliers and I will continue to refer other families to Option 1.

My daughter has been using Option 1 for almost 8 years now for her feeding supplies. We love Option 1 and recommend them to anyone we know who could use their services! My daughter also uses another medical supply company for equipment not offered by Option 1. The “other” company is always mixing up the order, having things on back order, and overall difficult to work with. Option 1 on the other hand is always extremely courteous and helpful, nearly never mixes up an order and rarely has anything on back order.
I love that Option 1 always reliably calls each month to double check my daughter’s supply order. One month we needed an extra Mic-Key button sent while we were on vacation. Option 1 bent over backwards to get my daughter that medical equipment she needed. Option 1 is a reliable company with kind employees that truly care about my daughter and getting her the medical equipment she needs.

Reiley is now an 8 year old little girl. Each birthday we have is a real milestone as we don’t know how many birthdays we will get to celebrate. Reiley is extremely medically complex with multiple conditions, disorders and diseases. Her main disease is terminal called Mitochondrial Disease. Her different systems are slowly shutting down.
Reiley has been 100% tube fed since she was 3 months old. Home life was challenging overall prior to this as we still had no idea what was medically wrong with her. Having to learn a new way to feed my daughter, keep her from strangling herself in her sleep with the feeding line and keeping her from pulling out the tube were all new challenges we faced.
We were with a different home health company for many, many years before Option 1. They were less than helpful or customer service friendly. It was always a hassle getting the right supplies or even getting the supplies period. At least now if Option 1 makes a mistake – which is seldom – they own up to it and fix it immediately. We are much happier with Option 1 as our supply provider for her enteral needs.

Lillie is non-mobile and has issues swallowing. When the doctors asked me if we wanted to place her on a feeding tube it was a no-brainer to increase her quality of life and prevent infections. She has been using the feeding tube for 2 years now. Option 1 has been our enteral therapy provider ever since she was discharged from the hospital. We weren’t too sure what to expect at first and had to go to the hospital to learn how to administer the tube feedings initially. This was a whole new experience for us. We were nervous at first and worried about doing everything correctly.
We were given the number for Option 1 at the hospital and just thought they were a delivery service. But when we first called they already had our paperwork and would call us every month in regards to the delivery. We were glad that we didn’t have to remember to call in every month as it was one less thing we had to worry about. The delivery techs that come out are awesome. They stack the cases for us in the house and are always courteous. Everything has been extremely smooth with our services since we began.

I have had chronic ulcers since 1997. Since 2000, I have had 3 surgeries, my gallbladder removed and a shunt inserted into my kidney. I also have a stone in my pancreas duct that rolls back and forth, but it cannot be removed due to the multiple surgeries I have had. My doctors decided to put me on a feeding tube after one of my surgeries. Being hooked up to a machine for 12-14 hours a day wasn’t what I expected at this time in my life but it has worked out all right.
Option 1 has made me feel better and has provided me with the nourishment and nutrition I need. The employees are wonderful, friendly and very proficient. My deliveries are always on time and the delivery techs take the time to go over the paperwork with me each time. The technicians always call me before every delivery to tell me when to expect them and double check my order each time to make sure that all items are accurate.
I am very thankful for Option 1’s services and products because they keep me going. I can’t eat very much solid food so the products that Option 1 provides keeps me up and keeps me going. I am very glad that they take care of me.